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A good staple whisky should be several things: sessionable, not overly complicated but with great flavours; flexible, in case you feel like mixing it up into a cocktail; and most importantly, affordable. So, we’ve put together this list of some great everyday all-rounders we think are worth adding to your own whisky stables.
  • 4 min read

You’ve saved your whisky for a special occasion, poured yourself a good measure and taken a sip.

It’s everything you dreamed it would be. So, you put the top back on and wait for another special occasion. But have you made a horrible mistake? What if you wait years before you try it again? Can whisky go off? Can your whisky go out of date? 

  • 3 min read
One of the things that's fascinating about whisky is that so many flavours come from so few ingredients. Chocolate is the same. That’s what makes both whisky and chocolate great. The possibilities from the simple ingredients are endless.
  • 3 min read
Why are there so many scotch whiskies called Glen-? We’ve all been there, struggling to remember what that great whisky was. The er... now what was it called again? Glen-something.
  • 3 min read
