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Greetings {{name}}!

Good news: Your premium subscription from The Dram Team will renew on April 1st 2024 (no fooling!).

Please note that as announced ahead of February's orders, this is the shiny new premium subscription box at a cost of £45, reflecting our move to super-duper premium drams (double the whisky budget!).

If you missed this announcement, please ensure you read the full details by clicking this link.

Please contact us at if you do NOT wish to receive the new premium box at the new price, and let us know which alternative option you prefer (please refer to above link for your options).

You can sneak preview the (absolutely stonking!) premium drams for April's "Indie Cask Strength Sibling Sippers" edition in this blog post.

{% if sepa_debit_last4 %}

We will debit {{amount}} from your bank account ********{{sepa_debit_last4}} via SEPA Direct Debit with a reference of {{sepa_debit_mandate_reference}}

{% endif %}

You may manage your subscription by clicking here:
Manage Subscription

Please email us at if you have any questions about your subscription and we'll be happy to help!

-The Dram Team

{% if sepa_debit_last4 %}


{% endif %}
